Yogamour Yoga and Healing Arts Center

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Letters from India 2012, part 1

My dear friends,

As you may know, Yogamour spent a loving amount of energy organizing a yoga and volunteer trip to northern India. A dynamic group of seven women from the Frederick area departed on January 4, 2012 for Jaipur, India. Beccah and Darragh of whom will be leading the group, embarked on an adventurous day in Delhi before continuing on to the Pink City of Jaipur. As I remain steadfast on my path to healing and recovery, the group will be sending thoughts, letters and pictures of which I would like to share with you as their journey evolves.  

Namaste and enjoy, 


January 4

Hi Geni,

So today we saw someone that looked like you and my eyes filled up with tears. I am so sad that you aren't here, but can feel you with us. I know you are the reason everything has been going so well here, and that we will be back many many more times.  

So far we started in Delhi and stayed in a lovely hotel. We started our morning with a bike ride through old Delhi and all the spice markets. The streets were very crazy and the things you see are indescribable, some very sad, some very colorful, some very traditional. It was like riding your bike through an emotional rollercoaster that you knew you would remember forever.  

We arrived late last night in Jaipur and our driver (and friend) Pruin came to pick us up. We came back to Ary Nawis and at first honestly we were concerned with the bed rooms but it appears Dara and I just somehow ended up with a dud room and the rest are lovely of which I was fine.  

Today, we went to pick up goodies for the guest and met with Karnika. She has quite the itinerary for us and I am putting D hard to work organizing it and taking notes. Also, good news, they gave us the most beautiful room in the whole world to teach yoga. It looks like a marble temple with stain glass and so much more!

Karnika wants us to come to Jaipur twice a year and she will continue to make it the most memorable experience. She said this was the week for the heritage festival and October would be the color festival. Look it up and tell me what you think? 

Love and miss you tons, 


we will write soon again…