Yogamour Yoga and Healing Arts Center

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Hello cOMmunity!

There is a lot happening at Yogamour! We began our 240 Hour Trauma-Informed Yoga, Social Justice and Leadership Teacher Training over a month ago, and we have an amazing group. It is our continued hope that ALL of our graduates live and apply all the benefits that yoga teacher training has to offer.

In finishing the second weekend of ytt, we find that students tend to gravitate towards the teachings of yoga philosophy and its infinite wisdom. From the philosophical yoga texts, ‘The Yoga Sutras of Patanjali’ constitutes the foundations of yoga. The sutras cover what is known as the ‘8 Limbs of Yoga’. Each limb is an aspect of the path of yoga, and offers guidance within the practice, both on and off the mat. The first limb is made up of the ‘Yamas’; kind of moral values or abstinences, and is a guide to how we can best act towards ourselves, and the world around us. The first ethical principle of the Yamas speaks of ‘ahimsa’ which translates to 'no harm' and the importance of leading a life that doesn't hurt other living beings, oneself or Mother Earth herself. Reducing the harmful impact we humans are having on the planet is, therefore, a part of yoga practice. Believe it not, it’s not all those downward dogs! Yoga is about developing awareness, facing the truth, and creating change.

Developing awareness often leads to considering our actions and choosing those that cause less harm. Let’s take a moment to consider the harmful effects of the plastic pandemic. Did you know that only 5% of plastic is recycled? According to recent studies, more plastic is being produced than ever before and even less plastic is actually being recycled. This is because it is too expensive to collect and sort plastic, and not to mention too difficult, due to thousands of different types of plastics out there that can not be combined. Additionally, waste management experts have found that the more that plastic is reused, the more toxic it becomes. And how does this abundance of plastic harm our planet, marine life and humans? The collective organization, offers a broad explanation…READ HERE!

We should all do our part whether it is as simple as not using plastic bags from the grocery store. Bring your own reusable bags or baskets. As the ICUN notes - let’s make our best effort to ‘Refuse, Rethink, Redesign, Conserve, Reduce and Reuse’.

Yogamour is now offering Karma Gentle Flow Yoga Classes every Sunday beginning May 21 from 4:30 to 5:30pm. Karma Yoga Classes are about ‘giving back’, and for the summer season, we have chosen to support an organization that addresses ‘plastic pollution’. ALL donations gathered from these classes will benefit the Surfrider DC Chapter which is “dedicated to the protection and enjoyment of the world’s ocean, waves and beaches, for all people, through a powerful activist network.” Join us at the studio or online for the first Karma Class of 2023, as we strive toward activism and meaningful change.

Love to ALL,

Geni 💞