Yogamour Yoga and Healing Arts Center

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How do you say 'thank you'?

Everyone appreciates hearing ‘thank you’. Whether it’s for something simple, like bringing your significant other a cup of coffee in the morning. Philosophers and poets have long praised gratitude as one of the most desirable attitudes. Surely, each of us has much to be thankful for. Why not express our gratitude? It costs us nothing, yet yields countless benefits. It’s also great for your emotional well-being!

Gratitude impacts on mental and physical well-being. Positive psychology and mental health researchers in the past few decades have established an overwhelming connection between gratitude and good health. Keeping a gratitude journal causes less stress, improves the quality of sleep, and builds emotional awareness.” ~Seligman, Steen, Park and Peterson, 2005

Here are some great ways that you can say ‘thank you’!

Say it! The quickest, simplest and easiest way to demonstrate gratitude is to say ‘thank you’. If you don’t have a specific item to express thanks for, saying a few kind words is just as effective.

Write a thank you letter. It is a lost art! Sure you can send an email but dropping a simple ‘thank you’ note in the mail is special and personal.

Listen intently. I know I’m guilty of sometimes thinking so hard about what I’m about to say next that I fail to grasp the essence of what another person is saying. Active listening allows you to respond appropriately though! So try it!

Pay a visit. How often have you heard others welcome you to drop by and pay them a visit? If the comment is genuinely expressed, pay heed. This is a subtle invitation to spend some time with that individual. Of course, give them a heads up!

Call to say hello. I love to hear a loved one’s voice on the phone. It’s much more personal than an email, although it doesn’t take the place of a physical visit. You’d be surprised how satisfying a call can be. Even if it’s a quickie!

Ask if there’s anything you can do. Like most people, I don’t like having to ask others for help. Sometimes, however, it’s easy to become overwhelmed with all the things on your to-do list. Since we all feel this way, put yourself in someone else’s shoes. Ask if there’s anything you can do to help – and mean to follow up on your offer if it’s accepted.

Expressing your gratitude and making someone else feel better, you’re likewise reaping benefits from your words and actions. Consider gratitude a virtue, for it’s a trait unique to our species. So say ‘thank you’ a lot …tis the season ;). Happy Holidays my friends!