Yogamour Yoga and Healing Arts Center

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4th of July a Better Way!

Hello Friends, 

As the 4th of July approaches, for most of us this has been a celebration hallmarked by parades, fireworks and picnics. Last year was certainly different as we were faced with considerable challenges. We witnessed a global pandemic and the realities of senseless acts of violence . 

Resonating with the words of Cornell West, "Justice is what love looks like in public," we now have an opportunity to edge into the second half of 2021 in celebration of Independence Day as a time to heal our communities. We have come to an inflection point in this county which presents a time for adopting policies, practices and procedures that promote equity. This July 4th offers the opportunity to come together and rededicate to a common purpose – building stronger communities and a more equitable nation.

Enjoy your holiday weekend and celebrate with a vision of inclusion, freedom and equality for ALL! 

In peace and light, 
