Yogamour Yoga and Healing Arts Center

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To the Divine Mother Within

With Mother’s Day quickly approaching, what a wonderful time it is to acknowledge & honor our mothers, our mother figures, all mother figures who’ve come before us, & those who are no longer with us— let us also take a moment to honor those who have had to mother themselves.

At some point, we all have had to call onto our inner nurturer, our inner mother & channel

this ancient, sacred energy— whether to heal ourselves, or to hold that healing space for another.

In a world that favors brute strength, swift action & physical dominance, how exactly do we honor & embrace our inner nurturer?

The yin within?

Firstly, to explore Yin energy, let’s talk about its counterpart - Yang energy.

Yang energy is our power flow yoga.

Fire, active, loud, strong.

Yang energy is associated with the Masculine, the Divine Father. An energy we contain within us as well.

In Taosim, the principle of the Yin & Yang as such that the two energies complement each other.

One must not dominate over the other for an imbalance between the two disrupts the natural flow of life.

Both are necessary to achieve inner & outer harmony.

Our Yin energy is our restorative yoga, gentle flow.

Water, subtle, quiet, gentle.

Yin energy is associated the Feminine, the Divine Mother.

Yin & Yang are two parts of the same.

Necessary opposites who bring balance & harmony to all that is & ever will be.

So how can we embrace our inner Yin?

Perhaps a yin or gentle flow yoga practice.

Sitting with our subtle senses in meditation.

Feeling our feelings, expressing our vulnerabilities.

Sharing a hug with a loved one.

Eating a nourishing meal or drinking a nourishing tea.

There is strength in embracing the inner nurturer.

In expressing the softer sides of ourselves.

To create.

To heal.

To nourish.

To nurture.

Give yourself permission to be soft; to be subtle.

Share your vulnerabilities fearlessly & without apology.

Express your emotions & do not restrict their natural flow.

Like water, allow them to move through.

It is in that space where you’ll find a special type of strength different from brute force.

It is in this space where you will find your Divine Mother.

The yin within.

So, as we celebrate another Mother’s Day, & are expressing gratitude to the mother figures who’ve loved us tenderly & helped us grow; let us convey our deepest gratitude by embodying the Divine Mother & sharing their gentle embrace to all whom we meet, including ourselves.

May we nurture & be nurtured.

Happiest Mother’s Day.

May the Divine Mother flow through & throughout us all.

Namaste <3