Yogamour Yoga and Healing Arts Center

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How Seva or Selfless Service Can Help You Find Joy

In our search for joy and happiness, it may not always occur to us that giving and serving others is one of the most meaningful ways to find it. If you observe the level of self-indulgence and instant gratification in this country – as well as the rising cases of anxiety, depression, and suicide - this should be an indication that something is not quite right! This may make you ponder ways that this can be reversed. One of the best ways is by providing selfless service.

The concept of ‘Seva or selfless service has existed in India and other ancient traditions for thousands of years as a means to not only help others but find spiritual fulfillment and joy. To quote from the Bhagavad Gita – or Song of God -  a 701-verse holy Hindu scripture dated to the second century BCE:

“The science of transcendental knowledge has been imparted to you, O Arjuna.

Now listen to the science of God-dedicated, selfless action (Seva), endowed with which you will free yourself from all Karmic bondage (suffering) and sin”

While the point of Seva is to give without an expectation for a result, outcome or getting anything back, the benefits of Seva are many, such as 

  • Emotional well-being

  • Stress reduction

  • Improved morale

  • Less isolation

  • Increased self-esteem

  • Greater overall happiness

  • Inner peace

Let’s explore some examples of ways to provide selfless service:

1. Feeding the hungry – When we think of people in need, food is often what comes to mind first. Food is something so basic - which most of us are blessed to have in abundance every day. If you are in a position to provide food to the hungry or volunteer at a food bank or kitchen, you are helping save lives.

2. Helping or fostering children – Children are our future and deserve care, food, clothing, and shelter. There are many non-profit organizations that help children with their basic needs and education. If you can foster or even adopt a homeless child, that is one of the greatest, most humane forms of Seva you can provide.

3. Helping animals - The number of animal cruelty cases reported every day is shocking – and just the tip of the iceberg—since most cases are never reported. Supporting organizations that help animals and/or prevent abuse is one way to help. You can also volunteer at a shelter and/or consider adopting a homeless pet.

4. Supporting victims of trauma – There are many children and adults who have suffered various forms of trauma in the form of abuse, neglect, violence, and war. There are organizations that help prevent abuse and help victims heal and recover through various individual and group therapies and programs. Getting involved with helping others who have experienced trauma not only helps heal our society, it cultivates deep feelings of gratitude within for the proper care and nurturing that we have been fortunate to receive in our lives.

5. Paying forward – If you don’t have time to get actively involved in a humanitarian cause, simply donating to a cause that does a form of Seva or paying forward on an individual level can make a big difference. If you own a successful business and are looking for ways to give back to your community – there are many charities that accept tax-deductible donations.

6. Individual and Collective Prayer – Prayers and positive thoughts are more important than we realize. Simply putting our focus on the needs of others and sending out a prayer for their well-being is a powerful way of serving.

7. Mindfulness and Meditation – Increasing our own self-awareness through yoga and meditation or another mindful practice is in fact a form of Seva since it helps bring about both personal and global transformation and growth that reflects our true nature: love, peace, and harmony.

These are just a few examples of Seva or selfless service. Seva could also be something as simple as checking on a neighbor, listening to a troubled friend, or smiling at a stranger. Whatever calls you to serve, you can rest assured that your service will create a new level of joy, meaning, and fulfillment in your life, combined with a deep sense of connection to the world around you. We’ll leave you with a beautiful quote by the Indian poet, composer, and philosopher, Rabindranath Tagore:

“I slept and dreamt that life was joy. I awoke and saw that life was service. I acted and behold, service was joy.”