Your Vote Counts Now More than EVER!

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Hi Everyone!

Whether you practice yoga to get in shape, find balance or just because it feels good, there is no doubt that it should be begging us to consider being more compassionate beings in supporting our world. Yoga helps us to build consciousness, awareness and community. We are taught to serve and to grow, to uplift ourselves so we can uplift those around us. It is for these reasons and so many more, as yoga students and teachers, it’s so important that we make the effort to be an active part of civil society and exercise our right to vote.

This is a right that people of many countries still don't have, and it is one that we should not take for granted. It is now our opportunity to weigh in on our country’s future and our quality of life. By voting, we are not only choosing who our elected officials are going to be, but we also send the message as to what is important to us and to our families.

Before voting, pleases take the time to find out about the issues. One of the principal philosophies described in the Yoga Sutras is svadhyaya, or self-study and reflection. As tempting as it may be to ignore all the “bad news” of politics, we must remember that we are citizens of this country, and therefore, it’s our duty to participate in society, and to help make the world a better place by learning and being active.

Finally, please remember that the ballot is private! This means, only you know who you are voting for, and you are not under any obligation to share that information. Voting is a right and a privilege, and one that we have fought long and hard for in this country. This November, please make it a priority to exercise this right, and to do so in a thoughtful and compassionate way.

Love ALL ways,
