What are the Silver Linings to the Coronavirus Crisis?

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Are you stuck at home and feel like there is no end in sight? All of us are feeling impact of the quarantine in the attempt to control the spread of COVID-19. But there are some silver linings! While we are experiencing hardships and losses, there are some positive things have come out of this crisis. Recall that World War 2 gave women more economic independence because all of our men were at war? The COVID-19 crisis will change some of the ways we think as individuals and as a society. Some food for thought on making this a positive journey…

This has been a time to enjoy family.  We can only hope that this has become a wonderful time to reconnect with your spouse, your children and those around you. Maybe this is the time you realize that you want to work less in the future and spend more time with your family and loved ones.

We are saving money! Sure, I know this will have disastrous effects on many businesses and I am sad and so sorry. I used to be able to walk out my front door and visit a dozen restaurants within a 4 block radius. Not now! We can support our local restaurants by ordering online if possible, and we can even buy a few clothes and items online but all-in-all, being in quarantine will most probably make you spend less. And just maybe, this will become a new pattern and you’ll save! You might even realize that you can live well with so much less.

Creative cooking. I’ve been emptying my cupboards of food — how about you? At my house, we have been attempting to cook creatively with what we have. You don’t realize how much food you really may have. So rather than horde — be resourceful!

Decluttering and fixing up your house. You can do all the things you never have time to do — sort through your old clothes that you want to give away, clean your home, read those books that have been lying on your shelf for years. It’s a great time to find projects and fix those things around the house that you have been forever postponing.

More remote work in the future? Your boss might realize that working remotely works great and you can get more done. Maybe you can convince your employer that working from home does not have an adverse impact, but rather enhances your productivity!

This is really good for our planet. So good! No tourism, no ferries, so few planes. Carbon emission are diminishing at the speed of light!  In the quarantined ares of China, Forbes says 77,000 lives were saved by reducing pollution. In Sardinia dolphins are swimming in harbors in the absence of ferries. We can only hope that people are seeing that we are able to mitigate climate change!

Focus on yourself and rethink your life. We can start being creative again! Start writing that book you’ve been talking about for years, or start drawing again. Do yoga and meditating every morning. Most yoga studios are offering free videos or online streaming for members! Stay connected with your community now more than ever and come back stronger when this over!

And finally, what can you DO for your community? There are things that we can be DOING! Consider giving blood. There is a need, so make an appointment! A local Frederick therapist has put together a GO FUND ME to raise funds for ‘Emergency Funds for Family Services Office/HACF'. And of course, support your local yoga studio by attending online live streaming classes or visit the website for free classes. Consider making a DONATION and share the link!

Yes, we can get through this and maintain hope for positive change. We are in this together! Thank you for supporting Yogamour!

Love to ALL,
