No More Resolutions -- Infuse the New Year with Good Intentions!


Merriam-Webster defines a New Year’s Resolution as, “a promise to do something differently in the new year.” In other words, New Year’s resolutions are about taking action and working towards a goal. But unlike resolutions, ‘intention-setting’ focuses less on goals and more on the journey which leads to certain outcomes. We allow our ‘intentions’ to focus more on internal power and long-term change, whereas resolutions may focus more on external and often short-lived rewards. And besides, how times have you felt guilty or mad at yourself when didn’t stick to your new year’s resolutions?

Here is a way to to look at it — a New Year's resolution is all about good intentions and starting off the year with a change for the better! We’d like to share ‘how to’ from a yogi perspective —


The first step to setting intentions for the New Year is to spend some time looking inward. Reflect on your failures and successes. Ask yourself where you could have made better decisions. Are you living life from a place of honesty and from the heart? Allow yourself room for self-compassion. Forgive your mistakes and short comings. Let go of grudges that you may be holding onto towards others. Create a clear path for your intentions.

Now imagine what you want your life to look like and why in the next year? What would life be like and how would you feel if those things came to be true? Your intentions only matter and come to reality when it’s something that is truly important to you. Think through this very carefully. What areas of your life are you passionate about and what are your priorities?


A Sanskrit word, sankalpa means "will, purpose, or determination." To make a sankalpa is to set an intention—it's like a New Year's resolution with a yogic twist ;).

Create a short sentence or phrase for your sankalpa or intention that has purpose and meaning for you. Write it down. Commit it to memory, focus and meditate on your sankalpa everyday and throughout the year. Your thoughts hold a lot of power over what outcomes you will experience in 2020 and beyond.


Yes! Be patient! Change doesn't happen overnight. When you stray from the essence of your intention, don't berate yourself. Instead, gently remind yourself of your intention. But be firm in your resolve and get back on track!

Celebrate your successes, even the small ones! They can go a long way in building confidence and spurring you on to further action. And remember that the difference between success and failure is often spelled as intentions

Happy New Year!

Love from,

The Yogamour Team