This series of classes beginning on Saturday, January 7 will be offered for 4 consecutive Saturdays through January 28. These sessions will an opportunity to allow stress and deep layers of tension stored in our bodies to melt away. While holding long, restorative poses that are supported by the 3 “b’s”--blankets, bolsters, and blocks, rejuvenate, and reconnect your mind, body, and spirit. Restorative Yoga is a deep, advanced yoga practice that is often called a bridge between asana’s (poses) and meditation. To further enhance this healing form of yoga, the sound bath will activate the part of our nervous system that helps reduce stress and anxiety providing the opportunity for our body to heal. The sounds and resonance of the Alchemy Crystal and Himalayan bowls with chimes, bells, drum, and gongs will create the ultimate in relaxation. Finishing off this “trifecta” of healing modalities, will be Yoga Nidra-a yogic sleep state where one enters the deep place of conscious relaxation. It can help us move awareness from our external world to our inner world. The combination of these 3 modalities can help one alchemize stress, tension, and pain into a transformative peaceful, blissful, and healing state.
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Earlier Event: November 6
The Healing Circle of Frederick with Laura Waggy
Later Event: November 13
BUDOKON YOBILITY with Emily held at Give Rise Studio