We love our FCPS Teachers & Staff❣️
"Louie, I think this is the beginning of a beautiful friendship."
~ Humphrey Bogart, Casablanca 1942
Happy Heart Day, Yogamour Community!
Did you know that Valentine's Day traces back to ancient Roman festivals and the legend of Saint Valentine, a symbol of love, compassion, and connection? Over time, the holiday evolved into a celebration of heartfelt relationships and caring for one another—values that resonate deeply with our wellness practice.
In December, we experienced our own heartwarming moment with Frederick County Public School’s Human Resources. As FCPS sought to enhance staff benefits, they reached out to Yogamour. During our brainstorming session, the idea of a dedicated weekly class for FCPS staff was born. Despite our packed schedule, we agreed to offer two classes per week for each staff member for the remainder of the school year.
By the end of January, the response was astounding: FCPS staff took advantage of 263 classes, with a majority opting for Gentle & Restorative Yoga—a clear sign that our teachers needed a reset. Thank you, FCPS, for allowing us to serve you. Your dedication to our kids and community inspires us every day.
Wishing you all a Happy Heart Day. May you embrace love, kindness, and wellness in every breath.
Geni and The Yogamour Team