This is Our Story! Yogamour Mission and VisiYogamour Yoga & Healing Arts CenterJuly 23, 2021seva, Volunteer, NonProfits, marginalized communitiesComment
4th of July a Better Way! Freedom for AllYogamour Yoga & Healing Arts CenterJuly 23, 2021independence, july 4th holidayComment
Did you know that today is Juneteenth? JuneteenthYogamour Yoga & Healing Arts CenterJune 20, 2021juneteenth, emancipation, seva, blmComment
How Seva or Selfless Service Can Help You Find Joy Yogamour Yoga & Healing Arts CenterMay 28, 2021Comment
5 Ways to Include Yoga in Your Non-Profit Organization Programs non profitYogamour Yoga & Healing Arts CenterMay 28, 2021Comment
How to Determine What Non-Profits to Donate To non profit, support, VolunteerYogamour Yoga & Healing Arts CenterApril 29, 2021NonProfits, Donate, VolunteerComment
The Importance of Including a Trauma-Informed Approach to Teaching Yoga Yogamour Yoga & Healing Arts CenterApril 20, 2021Comment
7 Ways to Support Small Non-Profit Organizations community, Volunteer, non profit, supportYogamour Yoga & Healing Arts CenterApril 20, 2021Comment
Looking for a 1-Shot & Done COVID Vaccine? We've got you! Covid Vaccines, Volunteer, Johnson & Johnson Vaccine, 1 Shot and DoneYogamour Yoga & Healing Arts CenterApril 9, 2021COVID-19 Vaccines, Johnson & Johnson COVID Vaccine, Volunteer, Yoagmour Seva, Covid Clinic, Meaningful ChangeComment
EXPLORE your potential. EXPAND your knowledge. SHARE the practice. Be a LEADER in SOCIAL JUSTICE! Trauma-Informed Training, Social Justice, Leadership, Yoga Teacher TrainingYogamour Yoga & Healing Arts CenterJanuary 27, 2021yoga teacher training, leadership, Social Justice and Leadship, Trauma Informed Yoga, Teacher TrainingComment
Your Vote Counts Now More than EVER! vote, workshops, yoga classes, I Voted 2020Yogamour Yoga & Healing Arts CenterOctober 29, 2020Comment
Global Handwashing Day is More Important Now than Ever! Trauma Informed Yoga YTTYogamour Yoga & Healing Arts CenterOctober 16, 2020Trauma Informed Yoga, Social Justice and Leadship, Teacher Training, Black Lives MatterComment
We Are Community! communityYogamour Yoga & Healing Arts CenterOctober 7, 2020community, yoga, virtual, online, corona safeComment
This is a Great Time to Pay it Forward! yoga loveYogamour Yoga & Healing Arts CenterAugust 1, 2020pay it forward, seva, yogaComment
Finally! We are Opening Our Doors! yoga, trauma-informed yogaYogamour Yoga & Healing Arts CenterJune 12, 2020virtual, online, yoga, classes, trauma, training, trauma-informed yogaComment
What are the Silver Linings to the Coronavirus Crisis? Yogamour Yoga & Healing Arts CenterMarch 29, 2020COVID-19, coronavirus, yoga, mindfulness, meditation, yogamourComment
A Safe Space for You! Yogamour Yoga & Healing Arts CenterMarch 4, 2020clean hands, open heart, strong practice, coronavirus, yoga, mindfulnessComment